Rubber Mulch Golf Pathways on Par - JungleMulch

A difficult task for many golf clubs is maintaining the lengthy pathways that link up the various areas of the course. Rubber mulch golf pathways using PlaySmart’s exclusive JungleMulch recycled rubber mulch are easy to maintain and look great!

Upkeep of traditional golf pathways requires a lot of maintenance throughout all seasons, including fixing the ground and re-seeding required areas.

JungleMulch can offer the perfect surfacing solution for such pathways as it looks natural and sympathetic to surrounding landscapes while taking pressure off players wearing spiked golf shoes.

Ladbrook Park Golf Club has used PlaySmart on several occasions to provide surfacing and commented on the product;

We have used PlaySmart three times in the last three years for our pathways all exceeding over 175m2. The first path is now in its third year and still shows no sign of wear and it carries buggies as well as trollies.

Not only is JungleMulch pleasant to the eye and complements our grounds, our members all love the feel when walking on the surface as they say is has a soft bouncy feel.

The surface is porous so there are no puddles or mud, it is therefore clean and low maintenance. By the current look of the surface it seems it will last a long time and we feel we made an excellent choice. We look forward to working with PlaySmart again in the future.

If you’d like to speak to us about using JungleMulch for Rubber Mulch Golf Pathways, Courses, or Landscaping, you can reach our experienced team directly on 01564 742 811.

3 responses

  1. Looking at laying a rubber mulch pathway on a steepish incline at our golf club. Approximately 30m x 1.70m. Been advised our current path surface is suitable for overlaying, but would need confirmation.

    This is a fairly urgent request, so a quick response would be most appreciated.

    Thank you

    Tim Lenihan
    Development Director
    Buckingham Golf Club
    01280 815566

    1. Hi Tim
      Fortunately, rubber mulch can be laid on almost all current surfacing including soil, grass, tarmac and concrete. The main surface we would not recommend installing onto is slabbed pathways and any pathway that has considerable damage such as cracks or extreme weathering. I will call you to discuss your exact requirements.
      Kind regards

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