JungleMulch Transformation to Outdoor Play Area Surface

Why JungleMulch, PlaySmart’s own brand of rubber mulch, was the perfect outdoor play area surface for this project

Our clients often ask PlaySmart to refurbish outdoor areas that have issues with mud. These outdoor play area surfaces require a sturdy surface that can handle typical British rainy weather.

JungleMulch is often a good solution as minimal groundwork is needed to prepare the area before installation. Additionally, our installation team can quickly transform into a low-maintenance, non-slip area that can be used in all weathers.

This allows you to extend your usable space in an economical way – something that is perfect to create an outdoor classroom or external learning environment.

A client commented that their rubber mulch installation works were:

‘Much better than anyone could have imagined’ and that the new area ‘offers a blank canvas for any group to use’.

If you’d like to discuss maximising your space using new surfacing, please feel free to get in touch! You can reach our experienced team directly on 01564 742 811.

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