What are EPDM wear pads?

EPDM wear pads are a section of surfacing that is designed to withstand high usage. PlaySmart recommends wear pads in places like take-off and landing points and other impact zones.

EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) is an extremely durable synthetic rubber with applications in a variety of contexts. This is an ideal material for rubber wear pads and a variety of other applications as it is heat and weather resistant and has high tensile strength.

Green Circular Epdm wear pads under swings to provide extra fall protection
Circular EPDM wear pads underneath a swing set

Where Should you use Them?

We install wear pads in high action areas, such as under swings, at the end of slides or around roundabouts. Essentially, play areas need these pads anywhere children will jump, land or stand on a regular basis.

Why Should you Have Them?

Bending Crescent Refurbished rubber mulch
Shaped EPDM wear pads incorporated into a JungleMulch installation

Wear pads increase a surface’s longevity, particularly when using a bonded rubber mulch for the rest of the installation. EPDM has a very high tensile strength compared to other rubber surfacing. In less technical terms that means it’s a material that has a high resistance to breaking under tension.

The choice is always yours (or your clients’) as to whether to have wear pads as part of your installation. However, we always recommend them in play areas that are known to be used heavily, such as in highly populated areas. We also recommend them for JungleMulch installations where a customer is concerned about the wear and tear of the surface.

If you have any more questions about EPDM wear pads, or about anything else, call us on 01564 742811 or email info@playsmartuk.co.uk

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