Cork Flooring Materials – Carbon Negative, Unique Surface Design

Cork Flooring Materials – Carbon Negative, Unique Surface Design

5 Reasons to Choose Playsmart for Your Playground Project Cork flooring materials are truly unique. A naturally shock-absorbent, durable, and hypoallergenic substance suitable for a wide range of uses. Here at PlaySmart we are always on the lookout for new sustainable surface innovations. Therefore, we are enthusiastic about using cork as a sustainable material for […]

Your Guide to Corkeen Play Surfacing

Your Guide to Corkeen Play Surfacing

Your Guide to Corkeen Play Surfacing If you are unfamiliar with this surfacing option, let PlaySmart guide you through our wonderful playground safety flooring: Corkeen. What is Corkeen? Corkeen is the all-natural cork playground surface exclusively provided by PlaySmart, and could be the newest addition to your playground project. As natural playground ideas become more […]

Playsmart’s Product Feature: Corkeen

Corkeen Surfaces – New Product Feature Here at Playsmart UK, we are continually striving to bring the best possible product offerings to our customer base.  With 20 years in the business ourselves, we literally search the globe to see who is bringing out the most innovative and interesting approaches to safety surfacing. So in the […]