10 Reasons to Choose Synthetic Playground Surfacing

Before we dig in to our 10 reasons to choose synthetic playground surfacing, we want to make it clear what we mean by that. ‘Synthetic’ surfaces are products such as; bonded rubber mulch, rubber wet pour, artificial grass and rubber grass mats. ‘Natural’ play surfaces include; bark, gravel, sand and woodchip.

Thumbnail: Ten Reasons to Choose Synthetic Playground Surfacing

1. It lasts longer

By replacing natural bark for bonded rubber mulch, your playground surface is going to last much, much longer. Natural bark will deteriorate, get wet and muddy and has to be topped up often. By installing products such as our JungleMulch, your playground surface is going to be around for a much longer time, especially considering our 5-year product guarantee and 2-year installation guarantee.

2. Appearance

As previously mentioned, natural playground surfacing can get wet and muddy throughout the year. Synthetic playground surfacing will immediately make the appearance of the area more appealing to children and adults alike. 

A surface like RubbaSmart wet pour is chosen for its looks, and as a product that’s very easy to maintain, your playground will have a good appearance year-round.

If you want the benefits of synthetic but the look of natural, your best option would be rubber grass mats, such as our EcoSmart matting. These let the grass grow through and helps the ground stay stable with no undulations.

3. More colour choice

The key benefit of choosing products such as RubbaSmart or JungleMulch is the vast choice of colour you have available. Not only can you choose any colour of the rainbow (and more!), if required we can also create a special blend of two or three colours that perfectly fits your requirements. If you want a bright and colourful play area with patterns and shapes, you should definitely choose synthetic surfacing.

8 JungleMulch Rubber Mulch colour blends

4. Safety

We all know how important safety is and when it comes to choosing the appropriate playground safety surfacing, synthetic might just do the trick. We offer a variety of products that can be installed at a variety of different depths to cover for a range of Critical Fall Heights – from 0.6m all the way up to 3m.

5. Maintenance

Natural playground surfacing has an incredibly high maintenance level – especially if it is being used for Critical Fall Height protection. Natural surfacing has to be topped up regularly, or swept back in to place, causing expense of both time and money. However, Synthetic playground surfacing such as our JungleMulch has a much, much easier maintenance schedule. To clean wet pour and rubber mulch, we recommend the occasional wash and sweep to keep it looking good. Rubber grass mats have an even easier maintenance schedule – all you have to do is cut the grass!

6. Sustainability

When you think of synthetic playground surfacing, you may not immediately think of sustainability, however it is a very valid reason for choosing synthetic over natural. Think about it – many synthetic products come with long product guarantees, meaning it’ll be good to use for many years to come, creating savings over the long term. For example, our grass mats have a ten-year product guarantee AND they’re made from recycled tires!

Recycle symbol on rubber tyres

7. Play value

Children take value in the whole playground – and that includes what’s on the floor! A synthetic surface that has a bit of bounce, grip, cushion and texture provides so much more value to play time. For example, incorporating wet pour wear pads into a mulch ‘background’ adds that little bit extra ‘wow’ factor that children really value.

Bending Crescent Refurbished rubber mulch

8. Creativity

Children love a play area that stimulates their mind and helps them create a whole world of imaginative play scenarios. A playground designed in the right way will help children’s minds grow and develop and by choosing a synthetic surfacing, you can help encourage this process. By choosing something like RubbaSmart wet pour, your design team can be really creative with the playground, really benefitting the children who’ll be playing there.

9. Accessibility

Accessibility is one of the most important things to consider in play areas – no child should feel left out from the fun. Natural surfacing is not suitable for children with disabilities at all – it hinders their access and can cause difficulties when it gets wet or muddy. In contrast, synthetic playground surfacing – especially rubber mulch and wet pour – creates a far better environment. The surface is smooth and even, and if necessary we can install a slight ramp at the edges of a playground to ensure easy access for wheelchairs and buggies alike.

10. Economical factors

When you add together many of the previous nine reasons, you’ll realise that by choosing a synthetic playground surface, you’ll be making a very economical decision. Instead of spending money every single year on maintenance and upkeep of your natural surface, you can spend a little more upfront and save massively in the long term!

So in summary, our top 10 reasons to choose synthetic playground surfacing are: it lasts longer, appearance, more colour choice, safety, maintenance, sustainability, play value, creativity, accessibility and economical factors.

If you have any questions or would like to talk to a member of our team about any of the products mentioned in this article, give us a call on 01564 742811 or email info@playsmartuk.co.uk.

2 thoughts on “10 Reasons to Choose Synthetic Playground Surfacing

  1. Loved the info Jasmine! Like mentioned by you, real grass can be too time and resource consuming to maintain. This is especially true if the area receives heavy rain or snow. On the other hand, artificial surface is resistant to almost anything.

  2. Loved the info Jasmine! I agree with you, appearance is one of the best things about synthetic surfacing. You cannot get the range of colors or the option to get graphics or design with any other surface.

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