What is Critical Fall Height (CFH)?

What is Critical Fall Height (CFH)?

What is Critical Fall Height (CFH)? What is Critical Fall Height? Quite simply, Critical Fall Height is the maximum height of fall from play equipment to the ground. It is the distance from the ground up to the highest platform a child can reach or stand on. Safety surfaces do not prevent injury, however when […]

6 Things to Consider When Designing a Playground

Designing a Playground – 6 Tips for Playground Design There are a lot of things to consider with playground design. Regardless of whether you are updating an old area or developing a brand new one, we wanted to highlight the top 6 priorities. By thinking about each of these areas, you are more likely to […]

Using Artificial Grass in schools & nurseries

Using Artificial Grass in Schools & Nurseries

School Artificial Grass Installation PlaySmart have undertaken a number of artificial grass installation jobs since our launch of Green Frog Artificial Grass back in August, so we thought it was about time we shared a quick case study on one! Our most recent artificial grass job was on behalf of Red Monkey Play at Our […]

Large Wetpour Playground Project – Aberfeldy, London

Large Wetpour Playground Project – Aberfeldy, London In August-September 2019, PlaySmart were hired for an exciting opportunity. We were chosen to install a massive wetpour playground project on a Willmott Dixon home development site in Aberfeldy, London. Our team’s installation tok 11 days, while the whole project lasted a couple of weeks. This was due […]

Top five reasons to invest in modern playground surfacing

5 reasons to invest in modern playground surfacing

Top 5 Money Saving Tips for Modern Playground Surfacing We’ve decided on our top five reasons as to why you should consider investing in modern playground surfacing, and in this article we will go in to the detail on each of them. While modern playground surfacing may seem like a big upfront cost, we hope […]

The Meadows Case Study

Step 4 - Finished Wet Pour Repair with blue rubber shapes on green surface

Wet Pour Repair – The Meadows Case Study PlaySmart recently did a large scale wet pour repair for The Meadows school in Oldbury The school used to have some play equipment in a dedicated wet pour area, but this was removed some time ago. The removal of the equipment left some ugly wooden stumps and […]

Daily Mile 101

Boothwood Primary Red and Black Rubber Mulch Running Track Installation

Daily Mile 101 – Daily Mile Track What is the Daily Mile? The Daily Mile is a fantastic initiative to encourage primary school children to run or jog for 15 minutes every day in a social setting, usually using a dedicated Daily Mile track. Not only does this promote emotional and mental health wellbeing, it […]

Pros and Cons of Using Rubber Mulch for Playgrounds

Pros and Cons of Using Rubber Mulch for Playgrounds Rubber mulch is one of the most popular products available on the playground surfacing market. Made from shredded recyclable tyres, it’s a water permeable safety surface with the look of natural bark. We’ve seen our own brand of rubber mulch, JungleMulch, continue to grow in popularity over […]

Can I use More than one Surface on my play area?

Can you Use Multiple Surfacing Solutions? Often clients assume they have to choose one surfacing solution for their area – this is not always the case! If you don’t want a uniform finish, PlaySmart is able to mix and match multiple surfacing solutions so you can enjoy the benefits of several products on-site and the […]